From a single slate tile to a whole new roof, we've got you covered. Bolsover Roofing Company is a family-run business with over 25 years of experience in the roofing industry. We pride ourselves on delivering top-notch solutions, providing unrivalled expertise you can trust. Our fully trained and accredited team is dedicated to delivering excellence on every project. We handle all projects without relying on subcontractors, ensuring quality control and a seamless experience for our clients.
We've built a strong reputation for quality, trust, and personalized service. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering, and we strive to exceed expectations on every job. Whether you need a new roof, roof repairs, Velux windows, Dorma specialists, or guttering services, our team has the skills and experience to get the job done right.
Our Recent Projects:
Our Services:
We specialize in building new slate roofs, setting the gold standard for quality and durability.
Our team has the expertise to handle all types of roof repairs, ensuring your home is protected from the elements.
We install and repair Velux windows, bringing natural light and ventilation to your home.
We are experts in Dorma windows and rooflights, providing a stylish and functional solution for your home.
We offer a comprehensive guttering service, including installation, repair, and cleaning.
Roofing company with a legacy of trust, quality, and personalised service.
Delivering top-notch solutions in roofing, providing unrivalled expertise you can trust.
Fully trained and accredited team, dedicated to delivering excellence.
We handle all projects without relying on subcontractors.